
Aucun prix n’est accordé dans les catégories ci-dessous si le taux de participation est très faible ou si les résultats sont inférieurs au score seuil.

Champions canadiens
     Prix d'or : Ansh Agarwal
    Competitive Kids STEM Projects, (Brampton, ON)
Patrick Bian
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Elliott Chen
    Rootofmath Academy, (Surrey, BC)
Perry Dai
    University of Toronto, (Toronto, ON)
Wei Miao Fu
    Southpointe Academy, (Delta, BC)
Anton Lazarchyk
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
Nicholas Ng
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Eric Ning
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
Michael Qu
    Cedarview Middle School, (Nepean, ON)
Mark Raspopov
    University of Toronto, (Toronto, ON)
Jingchun Ethan Su
    Countrice Education, (LaSalle, ON)
Yuying Wang
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Michael Wu
    The Renert School, (Calgary, AB)
Henry Zhang
    Ivy Path School, (Toronto, ON)
Jeremy Zhang
    Triway Education, (Richmond Hill, ON)
Daniel Zhou
    Vancouver Olympiad School Inc., (Vancouver, BC)
     Prix d'argent : Mingyang Hu
    Bliss Carman Middle School, (Fredericton, NB)
     Prix de bronze : Daniel Chen
    Vsquare Math, (Vancouver, BC)
Grant Chen
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
Patrick Chen
    Ivy Path School, (Toronto, ON)
Luis Gao
    Academy for Gifted Children - P.A.C.E., (Richmond Hill, ON)
Kasra Houshmandi
    Lakeroad, (Sarnia, ON)
Miles Hu
    West Vancouver Secondary School, (West Vancouver, BC)
James Li
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Glen Lin
    Ivy Path School, (Toronto, ON)
Andrew Ma
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Katie Ma
    Linkedkey, (Mississauga, ON)
Ziqing Pang
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
Seojin Park
    Crofton House School, (Vancouver, BC)
Andrew Qiu
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Zhengyi Wu
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
Zhengyu Wu
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
Yingshan Xiao
    University of Toronto, (Toronto, ON)
Nathan Yang
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Jackson Yi
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Kenny Zhang
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
YouShan Zhang
    Linkedkey, (Mississauga, ON)
     Mentions honorables : Gavin Chen
    Linkedkey, (Mississauga, ON)
Steven Feng
    Vancouver Olympiad School Inc., (Vancouver, BC)
Amelia Geng
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Brian Guo
    St.John's Academy Shawnigan Lake, (Shawnigan Lake, BC)
Amanda He
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
Antian Jiang
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
Nicolas Jordan Jiang
    Linkedkey, (Mississauga, ON)
Shenghua Jin
    Semiahmoo Secondary School, (Surrey, BC)
Kavangun Singh Kalra
    Competitive Kids STEM Projects, (Brampton, ON)
Pritika Lahiri
    University of Toronto, (Toronto, ON)
Fiona Li
    Vancouver Olympiad School Inc., (Vancouver, BC)
Gordon Li
    University of Toronto, (Toronto, ON)
Lillian Li
    Ivy Path School, (Toronto, ON)
Tiger Li
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Zander Li
    University of Toronto, (Toronto, ON)
Nathan Lin
    PACE Learning Community, (Vancouver, BC)
Yuzhong Luo
    Rootofmath Academy, (Surrey, BC)
Binh Nguyen
    Ottawa Math and Chess Club, (Ottawa, ON)
Daria Picu
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
James Qiu
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Andy Shi
    Queen Elizabeth High School, (Calgary, AB)
Zhanchen Shi
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Jessica Sun
    University of Toronto, (Toronto, ON)
Emma Tang
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Emil Wang
    Jing Wang Home School, (Nepean, ON)
Lawrence Wang
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Kevin Yan
    Countrice Education, (LaSalle, ON)
Alan Yu
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Ryan Yu
    St. George's, (Vancouver, BC)
Andy Zhang
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
Kaylyn Zhang
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Meilleurs dans la division canadienne
8e année
     Prix d'or : Patrick Bian
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Elliott Chen
    Rootofmath Academy, (Surrey, BC)
Yuying Wang
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Henry Zhang
    Ivy Path School, (Toronto, ON)
     Prix d'argent : Mingyang Hu
    Bliss Carman Middle School, (Fredericton, NB)
     Prix de bronze : Daniel Chen
    Vsquare Math, (Vancouver, BC)
Luis Gao
    Academy for Gifted Children - P.A.C.E., (Richmond Hill, ON)
Miles Hu
    West Vancouver Secondary School, (West Vancouver, BC)
Glen Lin
    Ivy Path School, (Toronto, ON)
Katie Ma
    Linkedkey, (Mississauga, ON)
Ziqing Pang
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
Seojin Park
    Crofton House School, (Vancouver, BC)
Andrew Qiu
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Zhengyi Wu
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
Yingshan Xiao
    University of Toronto, (Toronto, ON)
Jackson Yi
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
     Mentions honorables : Steven Feng
    Vancouver Olympiad School Inc., (Vancouver, BC)
Amanda He
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
Pratha Hegde
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
Antian Jiang
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
Sicheng Jiang
    College Saint-Louis, (Lachine, QC)
Shenghua Jin
    Semiahmoo Secondary School, (Surrey, BC)
Pritika Lahiri
    University of Toronto, (Toronto, ON)
Lillian Li
    Ivy Path School, (Toronto, ON)
Yaran Li
    PACE Learning Community, (Vancouver, BC)
Zander Li
    University of Toronto, (Toronto, ON)
Nathan Lin
    PACE Learning Community, (Vancouver, BC)
Yuzhong Luo
    Rootofmath Academy, (Surrey, BC)
Daria Picu
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
Andy Shi
    Queen Elizabeth High School, (Calgary, AB)
Zhanchen Shi
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Jessica Sun
    University of Toronto, (Toronto, ON)
Emma Tang
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Lawrence Wang
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Kevin Yan
    Countrice Education, (LaSalle, ON)
Meilleurs dans la division canadienne
7e année
     Prix d'or : Ansh Agarwal
    Competitive Kids STEM Projects, (Brampton, ON)
Wei Miao Fu
    Southpointe Academy, (Delta, BC)
Nicholas Ng
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Eric Ning
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
Michael Qu
    Cedarview Middle School, (Nepean, ON)
Jingchun Ethan Su
    Countrice Education, (LaSalle, ON)
Daniel Zhou
    Vancouver Olympiad School Inc., (Vancouver, BC)
     Prix d'argent : Grant Chen
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
Patrick Chen
    Ivy Path School, (Toronto, ON)
Kasra Houshmandi
    Lakeroad, (Sarnia, ON)
Andrew Ma
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Nathan Yang
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Kenny Zhang
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
YouShan Zhang
    Linkedkey, (Mississauga, ON)
     Prix de bronze : Kavangun Singh Kalra
    Competitive Kids STEM Projects, (Brampton, ON)
Fiona Li
    Vancouver Olympiad School Inc., (Vancouver, BC)
Gordon Li
    University of Toronto, (Toronto, ON)
Binh Nguyen
    Ottawa Math and Chess Club, (Ottawa, ON)
Emil Wang
    Jing Wang Home School, (Nepean, ON)
Alan Yu
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Andy Zhang
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
     Mentions honorables : Grace Barter
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
Colin Cai
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Aiden Chen
    University of Alberta, (Edmonton, AB)
Gavin Chen
    Linkedkey, (Mississauga, ON)
Jeffrey Chen
    Vancouver Olympiad School Inc., (Vancouver, BC)
Michelle Chen
    The Renert School, (Calgary, AB)
Qixuan Ding
    University of Toronto, (Toronto, ON)
Felice Hu
    University of Toronto, (Toronto, ON)
Joyann Hua
    Rootofmath Academy, (Surrey, BC)
Tara Jankovic
    University of Toronto, (Toronto, ON)
Nicolas Jordan Jiang
    Linkedkey, (Mississauga, ON)
Aaron (Middle name)---- Siqi Li
    University of Toronto, (Toronto, ON)
Sophie Li
    Cootes Paradise Elementary School, (Hamilton, ON)
James Qiu
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Keren Ren
    Rootofmath Academy, (Surrey, BC)
Tom Sharma
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
Lucas Wang
    Rootofmath Academy, (Surrey, BC)
Henry Xian
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Yichen Xiao
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
Sophie Zhang
    Learning Star Education, (Toronto, ON)
Rui Zhou
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
Meilleurs dans la division canadienne
6e année
     Prix d'or : Perry Dai
    University of Toronto, (Toronto, ON)
Michael Wu
    The Renert School, (Calgary, AB)
Jeremy Zhang
    Triway Education, (Richmond Hill, ON)
     Prix d'argent : James Li
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
     Prix de bronze : Amelia Geng
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
     Mentions honorables : Ricky Chen
    Spirit of Math Newmarket, (Richmond Hill, ON)
Jimmy Li
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Abhiraj Singh
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Evelyn Su
    Ivy Path School, (Toronto, ON)
Fiona Yan
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
Johnathan Zhang
    ICALC Learning Centre, (Richmond Hill, ON)
Leonardo Zhou
    PACE Learning Community, (Vancouver, BC)
Meilleurs dans la division canadienne
5e année
     Prix d'or : Anton Lazarchyk
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
     Prix d'argent : Zhengyu Wu
    Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
     Prix de bronze : Brian Guo
    St.John's Academy Shawnigan Lake, (Shawnigan Lake, BC)
Tiger Li
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Ryan Yu
    St. George's, (Vancouver, BC)
Kaylyn Zhang
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
     Mentions honorables : Isabelle Song
    West Point Grey Academy, (Vancouver, BC)
Haoze Wang
    Bole Education Service, (Vancouver, BC)
Charlotte Sze Wai Wong
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Bryan Zeng
    Vancouver Olympiad School Inc., (Vancouver, BC)
Meilleurs dans la division canadienne
4e année ou moins
     Prix d'or : Mark Raspopov
    University of Toronto, (Toronto, ON)
     Prix d'argent : Matthew George Ivanescu
    University of Alberta, (Edmonton, AB)
     Prix de bronze : Jessie Zhou
    AlphaEDU Academy, (London, ON)
     Mentions honorables : Ruoyi Qiao
    TTMath School, (Markham, ON)
Maggie Wang
    Crofton House School, (Delta, BC)
Albert Zhou
    Countrice Education, (LaSalle, ON)

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