The problems in this volume were originally designed for mathematics competitions aimed at students in the junior high school levels (grade 7 to 9) and including those students who may have the talent, ambition and mathematical expertise to represent Canada internationally. The problems herein function as a source of “out of classroom” mathematical enrichment that teachers and parents/guardians of appropriate students may assign to their charges. To aid in this, answers and complete solutions are provided to all the problems (except the relays where there are answers only) and problems and solutions are presented in separate chapters. The authors have also deliberately avoided the temptation to discuss the various mathematical concepts or to intrude in any way with what is done in the school system. This volume is similar to previous publications on Problems for Mathematics Leagues in this series.
Société mathématique du Canada
616 Cooper St.
Ottawa (ON) K1R 5J2, Canada
Téléphone : +1 (613) 733-2662
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Droits d’auteurs & autorisations
La Société mathématique du Canada autorise les lecteurs individuels de cette publication à copier les articles pour leur usage personnel. L’utilisation à d’autres fins est strictement interdite. Pour obtenir une licence autre que la copie d’articles à des fins personnelles, veuillez contacter la Société mathématique du Canada pour demander des autorisations ou des conditions de licence.
Société mathématique du Canada — 616 Cooper St., Ottawa (ON) K1R 5J2, Canada