Crux Mathematicorum
Tome 31, Num. 6 |
octobre, 2005
Page | Titre |
353 | Skoliad: No. 88 — Robert Bilinski |
362 | Mathematical Mayhem — Shawn Godin |
362 | Mayhem Problems: M207-M212 |
364 | Mayhem Solutions: M141-M145 |
369 | Problem of the Month — Ian VanderBurgh |
371 | Pólya's Paragon: It Ain't So Complex (Part 2) — Shawn Godin |
373 | The Olympiad Corner: No. 248 — R.E. Woodrow |
388 | Book Reviews — John McLoughlin |
390 | A Right-to-Left Division Algorithm — N.H. Guersenzvaig and G.S. Krimker |
397 | Problems: 3064-3075 |
402 | Solutions: 2958, 2959, 2964-2971 |
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