
One-Year Instructor Position in Statistics

Dalhousie University

Instructor in Statistics
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science

Dalhousie University invites applications for a one-year term Instructor position from outstanding candidates with a strong interest in undergraduate education in Statistics.

The candidates should have demonstrated interest and ability in undergraduate education in Statistics. The successful candidate will have a Master’s degree in Statistics or a closely related discipline; a PhD degree (completed or in progress) will be considered an asset. The candidate should have strong organizational and interpersonal skills. Demonstrated innovation in teaching, experience with electronic teaching resources, and the ability and interest to teach a variety of courses will be assets.

The instructor will teach a total of six courses during the fall and winter terms and one course in the summer term. Delivery of these courses may be online, depending on the situation regarding the COVID-19 virus. The Instructor will also be responsible for the coordination of STAT 1060: Introductory Statistics for Sciences and Health Sciences in fall, winter, and summer terms. The additional courses taught are to be selected from the undergraduate Statistics curriculum such as STAT 2060: Introduction to Probability and Statistics and/or STAT 2080: Statistical Methods for Data Analysis and Inference. All course assignments are the responsibility of the department Chair. In addition, the instructor will help develop and deliver content for the online version of STAT 1060 being offered in summer term of 2021. The topics to be covered in the courses are available from the Chair, and course descriptions are included in the Undergraduate Calendar, published by the Registrar’s Office, Dalhousie University. The instructor is responsible for all aspects of teaching, grading and administration of the courses taught, and in addition, will be available for at least three hours per week outside of class times for student consultation.

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics has a growing undergraduate program, a strong undergraduate honours program, and a flourishing graduate program. The Department has an active outreach program and encourages students to participate in extra-curricular competitions and programs.

Applications must include a curriculum vitae, a cover letter, a teaching statement, a teaching dossier, and three confidential letters of reference. All application materials must be submitted online via PeopleAdmin ( except for the confidential letters of reference. The applicant must arrange for each confidential letter of reference to be submitted directly to the search committee as instructed below:

To: Ellen Lynch (
Subject: For Search Committee – Instructor in Statistics, Dalhousie University

The start date for this position is August 1, 2020. Review of applications will begin May 15th, 2020 and continue until the position is filled.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Dalhousie University is committed to fostering a collegial culture grounded in diversity and inclusiveness. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons, persons with a disability, racially visible persons, women, persons of a minority sexual orientation and/or gender identity, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit